When the member of a farming close corporation dies
When the member of a farming close corporation dies, the legal consequences in the deceased estate are different from what happens when an individual who owns a farm dies.
When the member of a farming close corporation dies, the legal consequences in the deceased estate are different from what happens when an individual who owns a farm dies.
Vandag fokus ek op wat gebeur wanneer ‘n persoon sonder ‘n geldige testament sterf, met ander woorde intestaat.
When a farm is registered in the name of a company or a close corporation and the shareholder of the company or the member of the close corporation wants to sell any portion of such interest, they will first have to apply to the state to obtain a waiver.
I am sure you are all aware of the preferential right in favour of the state which comes into play whenever any owner of a farm intends to alienate his farm.
‘N Herverdelingsooreenkoms is nuttig vir die administrasie van testate en intestate boedels om bates onder begunstigdes te verdeel en te herversprei.
Wanneer ‘n kliënt my vra hoe lank dit neem om ‘n boedel te beredder, is my antwoord dat dit lank neem – in sommige gevalle twee jaar of selfs langer.
From the comments I have received from the public recently, there are two points that I would like to address.
Verlede maand het ek in die eerste aflewering van hierdie reeks rubrieke gekyk na wat gebeur indien ‘n boer intestaat, dus sonder ‘n testament, te sterwe kom. In hierdie uitgawe bespreek ek die belangrikheid van die inventaris.
When a farmer dies without leaving a will, the nearest and dearest, apart from feelings of sadness and loss at the passing away of a loved one, are also overcome with the concerns and insecurities about what happens next.